Treament with high dose x-rays is called Radiation Therapy
No. Radiation Theropy doesn't cause any pain and shock while taking a treatment. Its just like doing a CT Scan where Invisible X- rays are directed to the targeted area to destroy cancer cells by DNA damage
In Majority of Patients skin becomes black but the effect is tempory and regain the skin tone within a month
Yes, undoubtedly it is safe and treatment will be offerred based on the performence status.
Radiation is a localized treatment and hairfall will be there only for brain tumor patients and the effect is temporary and hair begins to grow with in 3 months
Yes, with the advancements in modern radiation therapy techniques all age groups can tolerate
Since radiation therapy is not radio - active and non contagious there won't be any issue if we stay or share things and Hugging the patients
Yes, we can take radiation with curative intent for surgically not feasible patients
Ideally radiation therapy should be started within 3 - 4 weeks post surgery after healing is complete
No, radiation is given only to the area where the tumor is there
Our body needs more supplements during radiation treatment and if it doesn't get may causes Weakness
Obviously Yes since it is day care treatment and patients are encourage to do mild workout, Walking, Swimming etc..,
There are no evidence based trials or treatments with mixopathy(Ayurveda/Unani/Homeopathy). Some quacks mix chemotherapy drug and steroid powder with it for the results